Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0074 BN Mother Gets A Dog – Animal Sex Novel By Jane Tanner
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Description: Mother Gets A Dog
by Jane Tanner
The decade of the "Swinging Sixties" had such an impact as to drastically alter the sexual outlook of American womanhood. Now we are well into the "Sweltering Seventies", and, with Women’s Lib, females of all ages are asserting themselves as never before. In a gentler age, teenaged girls waited modestly for their boy friends to call; nowadays, much to their chagrin, many shocked mothers are discovering their supposedly innocent daughters taking the initiative in boy/girl relationships.
At parties and other social events, more and more modern-minded young ladies are picking up men in a complete reversal of the once-established rules of courting etiquette, often even taking a guy home for a one-night stand!
Yes, as anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see well knows, the mores of sexual conduct are being cast aside in a mad rush toward feminine hedonism in this day and age. Perhaps the most perplexing phenomenon of all… and it’s happening with increasing frequency all over the United States… is that grown women, many of them with husbands and children, are turning for sexual adventure to little boys between the ages of six and twelve! There’s just no explaining it except by a woman who would commit such an immoral act, and you can bet that none of them are talking.
A man who fornicates with a little girl would be called a "dirty old man" at best and, if found out, he would wind up behind bars on charges of child molestation or statutory rape. Women, on the other hand, are usually not found out… have you ever heard of a woman being tried for statutory rape?… yet thousands of young boys are daily being lured into illicit sex relations with women in the love-starved midyears of their lives.
Bestiality is also running rampant among the middle-aged matrons of today. Look around any neighborhood and, if you dare, count the number of huge male dogs. You’ll be surprised at how many there are. It’s enough to make a thinking man wonder if American women are all going crazy for perverted sex kicks of the kinkiest type. The fact is many, though by no means all, of them are. More women holding jobs, the lessening influence of religion, Women’s Lib, etc. these are only a few of the reasons for the breakdown of our fairer sex’s once-strict morals.
It is into this sybaritic inkwell of sinfulness that Jane Tanner dips her pen for the sensual theme of her latest erotic novel. Mrs. Fran Griggs, a divorced schoolteacher of forty-three who has lost three jobs because she can’t keep her hot hands and hungry mouth off the more appealing of the little boys in her classes.
As the story opens, Fran is at the end of her professional rope, boarding a bus for Las Vegas where she hopes to be hired as governess/tutoress to the children of a famous actress/singer. She shares a seat on the darkened bus with an irresistible little boy and, promising herself this has to be the last time, she succumbs to her perverted nature and fellates the innocent lad.
She lands the job and, as luck would have it, the children to be placed in her charge are two boys. Keith is a very physically mature but sexually ignorant twelve-year-old, Jamie a mischievous young rascal of ten. On her first night at the house, Fran accidentally discovers her glamorous employer having intercourse with her huge shaggy white dog, a baboon-faced Afghan hound. Fran is shocked to say the least, but as she secretly watches the sordid act in progress she experiences a vicarious thrill and winds up with a bad case of the hots herself.
Her mind befogged by lust, wanting at all costs to keep her hands off Keith and Jamie for the sake of her sanity as well as her job, Fran figures that if the big horny dog is good enough for a beautiful movie star, he might be all right for her, too. When the actress/singer lets the stud dog out of her room a few minutes later, Fran, reeling with passion, gets a bestial screwing that she will never forget. She rationalizes the unnatural union by telling herself that she won’t be tempted to seduce the two little boys now that the massive Afghan has satisfied her. But juicy young boys are Fran’s downfall, and her flesh is weak, so…
…Read the continuation of the bestiality sex novel inside the file…
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