Adult stories and sexual fantasies of the genre zoophilia written and published completely free. All the erotic stories of the category zoophilia.
This is a collection of bestiality stories from the Kristen Directories.

May 28, 2021


Farm Animal Fun – Bestiality Sex Novel By Hank BordenFarm Animal Fun – Bestiality Sex Novel By Hank Borden

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0036 BN Farm Animal Fun – Bestiality Sex Novel By Hank Borden
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 249.26 KB

Description: FARM ANIMAL FUN
by Hank Borden


Dusk was settling over the city as Sally followed her friend Jim across the grassy lot to the rear of an abandoned warehouse. The factories that lined the nearby river spewed forth their black smoke and ash, which spread out over the city like a gaseous dome and thus added to its gloom.

The two teenagers made their way through the broken bottles and empty beer cans and junked cars, choking on each deep breath, until they came to the boarded up rear door. There they passed through a well used space between two of the boards, Sally having a little difficulty with the tight squeeze, what with her big tits and big, shapely ass. But Jim was happy to help her, his hand guiding her ass through.

Once inside the familiar building, they climbed the rickety stairs to the second floor, then walked into one of the empty offices. There was no furniture in the dusty room, but there was an old mattress on the floor. The kids went right to it, giggling with each step.

"This is a neat little hide out," said Sally. "How did you ever find it?" As she talked, she unsnapped her halter.

"I’ve been hanging around these old buildings a lot since school closed last week. After all, I didn’t have anything else to do. One day I stumbled in here and saw this old mattress lying here on the floor. I figured some old hobo must have been using this place for a home. Anyway, he’s gone now, so I claimed it for myself. And I immediately thought of you. We can use this place all summer long, fucking our heads off."



Niece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank BordenNiece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank Borden

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0079 BN Niece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank Borden
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 224.77 KB

Description: Niece In The Kennels
by Hank Borden


The onset of puberty invariably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective.

For some, the transition occurs with relative ease. For others the change is marked by tension and anxiety, and a growing awareness that their world is changing much faster than they would like.

For the young girl in this book the initiation into the world of sexuality is full of frustration and fear. Eager to explore the bounds of her femininity, she becomes a victim of her own desires and passions.

NIECE IN THE KENNELS-the story of a young girl’s struggle to make her own, very personal transition into adulthood. Her story is a reminder of the pitfalls standing in the way of those growing up. It is a lesson for society.



Doing It With Dogs – Bestiality Sex Novel By Frank HarperDoing It With Dogs – Bestiality Sex Novel By Frank Harper

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0034 BN Doing It With Dogs – Bestiality Sex Novel By Frank Harper
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 236.71 KB

Description: Doing It With Dogs
by Frank Harper


It was only shortly after nine o’clock, but Connie had already showered and was ready for bed when she saw the lights of a car coming up the long driveway. Ready for bed to Connie meant being naked. Wondering who the hell it could be, as there was a sign out by the gate plainly stating that the kennels were only open from eight until five, Connie hauled ass to get a housecoat.

She was sure it wasn’t her husband. Les had been gone for three days and would be away for another two weeks. Les worked on one of the oil rigs out on the Gulf. Suddenly wondering if there had been an accident, Connie grabbed a housecoat in the bedroom and rushed to the front door. Even as the car stopped in front of the house, she realized the telephone would be ringing if there had been an accident on the rig.

Opening the door, Connie saw Billy Wilson getting out of the car. Billy was working around the kennels during the summer. He was a nice-looking teenager. Damn good-looking, Connie thought, and she had had a few hot daydreams about him and what his pants might be hiding.

The dogs had been disturbed by the lights and the sound of the car. They were barking and raising hell so Connie stepped back and motioned for Billy to enter when he got to the small porch. He was wearing clean jeans and a fresh t-shirt.

"I guess I should’ve waited until tomorrow, Mrs. Kincaid, but… well, I wanted to talk to you tonight," Billy said. "What about?" Connie asked, closing the door after Billy had entered. "I hope it’s important enough to cause all that noise down at the kennels."

Billy’s eyes had lowered and Connie realized her housecoat had parted enough to expose one of her upper thighs. She felt the familiar itch in her cunt but she pulled the garment together and waited for the boy to speak.

"I wanted to talk to you about the dogs," Billy said, briefly meeting Connie’s eyes. "About one dog, anyway, and now that I’m here, I don’t know how to start."



Rammed Crammed Sister – Animal Sex Novel By David CraneRammed Crammed Sister – Animal Sex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0085 BN Rammed Crammed Sister – Animal Sex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 208.81 KB

Description: Rammed, Crammed Sister
By David Crane


The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.

The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, take on all comers, male and female alike. The man, who during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who surreptitiously join the neighborhood mate-swappers.

Belinda Grey is an outwardly proper and quite normal girl. But within her lurk perverse passions of which she is not even aware, passions awaiting only for the proper stimulus to arouse them.

RAMMED, CRAMMED SISTER-a fictional story about a rural society that refuses to face many of its real problems.



Pets And Teen Lovers – Animal Sex Novel By Rod MartinPets And Teen Lovers – Animal Sex Novel By Rod Martin

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0082 BN Pets And Teen Lovers – Animal Sex Novel By Rod Martin
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 271.65 KB

Description: Pets And Teen Lovers
by Rod Martin


Sexual attitudes and behaviorism are in constant change, and continually require revision, and research. One such act is the sexual relationship between pre-teen girls and animals. Years ago, the bestiality practiced by pre-teens was confined to rural areas. Farm girls had the opportunity to engage in various sexual acts with a variety of animals. The sexual outlet for the urban pre-teen remained self-stimulation, or masturbation accompanied by erotic fantasies. A recent study undertaken by the Institute of Human Factors in Santa Barbara, California revealed a dramatic rise in the number of pre-teen girls from large, metropolitan areas who are turning to animals for a sexual outlet They prefer the act of bestiality to that of masturbation.

Many parents unwittingly initiate the idea of animal sex in their young daughter. Giving the girl a toy dog as a gift, the girl, in many cases, becomes sexually attracted to the toy. Most parents in our Western culture still don’t recognize pre-teen sexuality. They associate sex with much older girls. They refuse to discuss or even believe the fact that pre-teen girls experience sexual desires, and often will seek gratification with any object that is convenient. In many instances, they will masturbate with their toy animal. This form of masturbation is accomplished by rubbing, or pressing the head of the toy against the vulva. The experience may become so gratifying that the girl will actually seek out a real dog and repeat the masturbatory experience. Her parents would be mortified to know they were the cause for the daughter’s animalistic tendencies. But contemporary psychologists believe the girl would be behaving in a purely rational way. In their opinion, the understanding of sex, and its many practices can’t come too early in life The sexually repressed individual is more-likely to grow into the sexually neurotic person. Sexual freedom, the psychologists insist, is everyone’s right and heritage. And for girls, it should commence during the pre-teen period.

Writing in Heterosexual Relationships, the world-renowned psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis states, "… human sexual behavior is learned. It is learned in the context of certain cultural values supported by particular societies. Sex behavior in human beings can never be free in the sense that freedom is popularly defined. Scientifically, in man’s behavior is always related to his ability to make a choice among limited alternatives. In this sense, some societies, as we see them, are freer than others but all societies control the sexual behavior of their members…."

The conditions that Dr. Ellis states are no longer quite true. Throughout the sexual revolution which began in the late 1960s and is still continuing today, individuals are seeking their own sexual, self identity. They refuse to be told that certain sexual practices are not condoned by society. The emergence of national swing clubs is one proof of this fact. And this desire to establish one’s self identity is beginning earlier in life. Pre-teen girls, today, are sexually aware individuals. They want to discover their own needs. And to their credit, they aren’t afraid to experiment. Many such girls are experimenting with animals and making no secret of this activity.

This book is a record of four such girls, in their pre-teen years, who are insisting in establishing their own sexual identity by experimenting with animals. They refuse to make a secret of their activities. They had no compunction to freely relate their experiences to an analyst who found them mentally adjusted, and strong spirits.

In each case, the pre-teen girl is permitted to relate her experiences in her own, natural language which contains keys to her motivations. No effort on the part of the analyst is made to approve, condone or moralize about pre-teen bestial activity. All such activity, however, is related to universally accepted, psychological concepts.

The reader must draw his own conclusions. But one conclusion that everyone must arrive at is the climate in which the pre-teen girl-animals sex acts occurred. A decade ago, the acts would have gone undetected because a great deal of social shame was attached to them. Today, in the midst of the American sexual revolution, even pre-teen girls are insisting on their rights of self-identity. The earlier they start finding themselves, the better, they claim.

Few psychologists will quarrel with such a healthy attitude.



A Loving Grandmother – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Jackson RobardA Loving Grandmother – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Jackson Robard

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0001 BN A Loving Grandmother – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Jackson Robard
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 228.78 KB
Total pages: N/A

Description: A Loving Grandmother
By Jackson Robard


The human mind abounds with weaknesses, particularly weaknesses of the flesh. Jackson Robard, in his inimitable manner, has given us in A Loving Grandmother a vivid and most psychologically disturbing insight into just how true this age old axiom is. No man is immune from these carnal weaknesses, nor is any woman, and Mr. Robard, in all his candor, leads us skillfully into the forbidden world of the lecher, the pedophiliac, and the most frowned upon taboo of Natural Law, incest.

In the days before sex was considered suitable for scientific investigation, all thinking about it was dominated by certain assumptions derived mainly from religious teachings.

These assumptions were many, but one in particular, elaborated into a dogma called Natural Law. Accordingly, it was determined that the only normal function of sexuality was procreation, and once the dogma was established it became necessary to label even common sexual practices abnormal and immoral because they were believed to represent a turning away from Natural Law. Later, these practices became known as "perversions", and as might be expected, the list of "perversions" was a long one.

Today’s scientific investigation of sexual behavior lends little support to the dogma of Natural Law. Indeed, the more scientific study made, the clearer it becomes that such concepts are absurdly naive, misleading and, in the long run, concluding that if the acts labeled "perverse" are in fact "perverse" than "perversion" is as common as "natural" sex. For few are the men and women who confine their sexual behavior to exclusively procreative contacts.

Interpreting man to himself must surely be one of the greatest rewards of being a novelist. Any reader who has been faced with these or similar problems, either in himself or in someone close to him, needs to know that he is not alone. Others before and many after will follow the same paths. Written between the lines of this book is an awareness of basic humanity and its adjustment to changing circumstances. The sexual variant needs to know that he is not necessarily condemned, that both help and understanding are available.

The underlying strata of truth that Mr. Robard’s skilled pen probes in this work will do more than leave the reader wondering… it will leave him hoping, for there is a better way, as every fervent soul of the young generation continues to shout at the top of his lungs!



They Do Horses Dont They – ZooSex Novel By David CraneThey Do Horses Dont They – ZooSex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0105 BN They Do Horses Dont They – ZooSex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 195.16 KB

Description: They Do Horses, Don’t They
by David Crane


Oftentimes, strange and unconventional desires lurk beneath the veneer of normalcy many individuals project. Given the right set of circumstances, these desires cease to be repressed-and are eventually acted out.

Certain individuals attempt to retaliate against the increasing necessity to comply with society’s demands by embracing unorthodox modes of behavior such as bestiality. Subcultures exist in our society, catering to a wide range of tastes. If these cultural avenues of expression did not exist, the pressure to conform would become too much for some people to bear-and the consequences would be devastating.

THEY DO HORSES, DON’T THEY? is the story of a family caught up in such a subculture-and the effects of their unconventional behavior on others who are drawn into their world.



Cousins Barnyard Ball – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David CraneCousins Barnyard Ball – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0015 BN Cousins Barnyard Ball – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 210.98 KB

Description: Cousin’s Barnyard Ball
By David Crane


Holly Wilson loved to suck the dog’s cock. The dog loved it, too. He was yelping and whining as the girl sucked his prick with such enthusiasm. The dog was a big, black German shepherd with a huge cock. He was lying on his side on the floor, his hind legs scrambling as he humped his flank across the carpet, fucking his cock into the girl’s eager mouth. Holly was kneeling, her heart-shaped ass thrust up in the air and her head lowered onto the dog’s prick.

She was a pretty teenager with plump tits and a narrow waist and a juicy pussy. That pussy was particularly juicy at the moment, and cunt-juice was running down the insides of her thighs. But she ignored her cunt as she concentrated on the dog’s delicious cock.

Holly had long black hair and jade-green eyes and high cheekbones which gave her a vaguely exotic look. At the moment, that long black hair was sweeping across the dog’s belly and balls and those jade-green eyes were narrowed with passion. Her mouth was wide and sensual–and it was full of dog prick.

It was not the first time that Holly had given the animal a blow job and the big, horny doggy had come to look forward to getting sucked off. The girl fucked the dog, as well, but a blow job was a special treat for him. He was a handsome, robust dog and he could get a fuck off any of the female dogs in the area, but for a blow job he depended on his young mistress. And Holly enjoyed sucking him off every bit as much as the German shepherd enjoyed emptying his cock and balls into her greedy mouth.

Holly had just called the dog to her room a few minutes ago. She had rubbed his cock with her hand and it had gotten hard as a rock in a few moments. When the doggy realized that this was one of those special treats, his cock had started to hum like a tuning fork, so taut that he could have used it to launch an arrow or to play a violin. Holly had licked his balls for a while, then slipped the head of his huge prick into her mouth.

She wanted to give the dog a real good time because she was afraid that they might not have a chance to get together again for a while. Holly’s cousin was coming to visit and was going to share Holly’s bedroom. Her cousin, Marylou, was the same age as Holly, but she came from the big city and Holly didn’t know if Marylou would approve of dog fucking. She didn’t know the girl all that well and figured it might limit her own fun, having Marylou in her bedroom.

Of course, she could get a chance to fuck the dog somewhere else, in the woodshed or the garage, but she had to be careful and not get caught at it. She didn’t think her daddy would approve. Then, too, Holly liked to get dog fucked in the comfort of her own bedroom, behind a safely locked door. It was okay to suck the dog off outdoors, but for real fucking she preferred her carpeted floor or her soft bed.

Maybe Marylou would understand, though–maybe the good-looking city girl would even want to try it.

Holly, herself, had never imagined that she would enjoy getting fucked–in the mouth or the cunt–by a dog.

Not until she tried it, that is.



Taking Daddys Place – ZooSex Novel By Jane TannerTaking Daddys Place – ZooSex Novel By Jane Tanner

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0092 BN Taking Daddys Place – ZooSex Novel By Jane Tanner
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 332.8 KB

Description: Taking Daddy’s Place
By Jane Tanner


What’s a healthy young wife who likes her sexing on a regular basis supposed to do when her husband is away for long months at a time? This is a question that has plagued hot>natured women throughout recorded history, and perhaps the wives of sailors much more so than any other particular group of ladies.

Ever since there’ve been ships capable of crossing the oceans, wives have been left behind on shore while their men sail off to distant ports. And not once but again and again if the husband earns his livelihood as a sailor. Now any lengthy separation between husband and wife is bound to cause marital difficulties.

The human sex urge being what it is-some authorities rank only hunger above it in motivating forces-sailors are well known for their drinking, hell raising and freewheeling sexing; and their stay-at-home wives must look their morals right in the eye and make their individual choices of whether to sin or suffer while hubby is away.

It has always been so, and the wives of seafaring men have, as a group, become known for their susceptibility to extramarital sexual intercourse.

Not all shorebound Navy wives who slip from the straight and narrow can be considered loose women. Indeed, many of those who do yield to temptation stray from the marriage bed only once or a few times during their entire lives, and afterward suffer the pangs of their wifely consciences for their few moments of carnal pleasure.

On the other hand, anyone who’s ever lived in a port city is well aware that many of the young women frequenting bars and nightspots are in reality Navy wives with ants in their pants who’ve conveniently discarded their rings temporarily and are, like the bad joke about inept typists, just plain hunt-un-peckers. These are the loose women, the habitual adulteresses who make a way of life out of cuckolding their unsuspecting sailor husbands with an unending string of half-remembered men whom they bed down with for one-night stands.

In between the two extremes are the countless young women, basically decent and moral, who face up to the conditions of their human frailty and somehow manage to remain good wives and mothers while at the same time, because of their rather constant sexual needs, they also discreetly get the sexing they must have during their sailor husbands’ absences by carrying on clandestine love affairs of various lengths and seriousness.

It is from this continuing social problem-social because it often results in divorce and occasionally in murder-that author Jane Tanner has taken the theme of her latest novel, Taking Daddy’s Place.

The heroine is Melba Upchurch, 28-year-old wife of a senior petty officer who is serving a six-month tour of sea duty. Melba gave her heart and her virginity to Don at the tender age of fifteen and has remained faithful to him ever since-until this time.

Melba finds herself parked husbandless in an unfriendly community. The non-Navy wives consider her beauty a threat to their marriages and so won’t accept her. There is only one other Navy wife, whose husband is also at sea, in the neighborhood, so naturally the two outcasts are drawn together in friendship.

The ungluing of Melba begins when she inadvertently catches Flo, her new girl friend, having sexual intercourse with her 150 pound Great Dane. Unknown to Melba, Flo is a swinger through and through who enjoys nothing more than giving prim and proper young wives like Melba a shove down the primrose path.

"Come on, try it," Flo coaxes. "Dancer’s as good an any man and better than most, and it isn’t really cheating on your husband, now is it? Of course not, he’s only a dog, not a guy."

In the state of stunned fascination, Melba gives in and takes on her friend’s magnificent huge dog. This is her first indiscretion but not her last, for once Melba starts she can’t stop and soon discovers a secret part of her that yearns for the untainted bodies of young boys, three of whom she seduces separately. Then Flo sets her up for a gang-banging by three college students, after which she settles down to a secret incestuous affair with her own darling son. Then Melba’s husband comes home and his 15-year-old sister is living with them and things really start popping.

This is a horny tale with that delicious old-time flavor of the typewritten stories which those of us around forty or so used to find simply delightful when they were passed around the halls of high schools and the open bays of the boot camps and basic training centers of the military services.

You will find the Rated X books, along with their companions, the Surrey Collectors Series and the HIS 69 gay titles at your favorite adult bookstore or newsstand each and every month. Serious collectors of strictly adult reading will want them all, side by side on their private book shelves for definite re-reading and ready reference.

We want to make all Surrey House, Inc. books the perfect reflection of your reading and sexual desires and invite your comments at all times, so we can better serve you. We urge you to write us with exact details of what kind of book you would like to read, and any other sexual matters you are concerned about, IN ABSOLUTE, STRICT CONFIDENCE. It is not even necessary to identify yourself in any way. Only in this manner can we be sure we are giving you precisely what you desire. No matter is too complex for you to approach us with, and nothing is too difficult for us to attempt … but only if you want it … and only if you take the time to write us with your specific requirements.

Only you can do it. We here at Surrey House, Inc. only exist to serve you in these matters of great concern.

All especially significant letters will be answered directly, and all story suggestions will be turned over to our staff of writers all over the world.



Cousin Horses Around – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David CraneCousin Horses Around – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0014 BN Cousin Horses Around – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 208.89 KB

Description: Cousin Horses Around
By David Crane


Cooper, the big Irish hunter, was restless as he stood in his open stall behind the rambling country house in which his young mistress, Daisy, lived. Cooper was a brawny brute, in the prime of life–a staunch and sturdy stallion. Bright sunlight set his dark coat gleaming and his muscular body rippled as he moved. He tossed his broad head up, glossy mane flowing like sable silk.

He pawed at the ground with one hoof and his soft black nostrils quivered, scenting a fragrance that the virile animal found fascinating. His brutish brain recorded a sublime aroma and his potent body trembled with vitality. Under his haunches, his massive cock began to elongate and swell as the horny horse became aroused.

Cooper had scented the delightful and intriguing fragrance of hot cunt!
