Adult stories and sexual fantasies of the genre zoophilia written and published completely free. All the erotic stories of the category zoophilia.
This is a collection of bestiality stories from the Kristen Directories.

October 16, 2024


Hot For The Ram – Bestiality Sex Novel By David CraneHot For The Ram – Bestiality Sex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0057 BN Hot For The Ram – Bestiality Sex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 209.2 KB

Description: Hot For The Ram
By David Crane


When Sarah’s father caught her fucking the dogs, he was amazed.

Sarah was home from college on vacation. She was the first of the family to go on to higher education, and her father had been understandably proud of her. He was a blue-collar worker, and kept a pack of black-and-tan hunting dogs in a kennel behind the house. It was a Sarah’s first night home from school, and he thought she had gone to visit some of her high school friends. But then he heard the hounds yelping and whimpering in the back. Thinking there might be a prowler in the yard, he hurried out to investigate. It was quite a shock for the man when he found his daughter in the kennel, on her hands and knees, with a burly black-and-tan hound mounted on her haunches and fucking her.

She didn’t notice him and he was too shocked to say anything.

He saw that one hound had already had a fuck and was curled up, exhausted, in a corner of the kennel. The rest of the pack was eagerly waiting to mount the girl, their pricks hammering under their bellies.

The dog trembled and shot his wad.


October 15, 2024


Doghouse Daughter – Bestiality Sex Novel By Paul GableDoghouse Daughter – Bestiality Sex Novel By Paul Gable

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0032 BN Doghouse Daughter – Bestiality Sex Novel By Paul Gable
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 185.63 KB

Description: Doghouse Daughter
by Paul Gable


The process of growing up, of passing through the age of adolescence has, through the ages, been marked by great inner turmoil, uncertainly, and tremendous pressures from family and peer group alike. Certainly, in our society today, the problems of youth appear to be more marked than ever before.

Laurie Higgenbottom is a teenager embarking on her own special journey into adolescence. She finds herself plagued by her powerful emotions, sometimes feeling guilty about her awakening sexuality, sometimes getting angry over imagined slights and youthful misjudgments.

DOGHOUSE DAUGHTER-the story of one average young American girl’s coming of age. A lesson to us all. A reminder, once again, that growing up is not easy.



Dog Licked Wives – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Hank BordenDog Licked Wives – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Hank Borden

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0023 BN Dog Licked Wives – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Hank Borden
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 223.58 KB

by Hank Borden


It has been said that nearly every community contains a cross section of Americans within its confines, thereby maintaining an image unique in this country today. Every town has its doctors and lawyers, its coaches and teachers, "nd its clerks and carpenters, and each individual has in turn been touched to some extent by emotions common to all men-greed, lust, envy, and distress.

DOG-LICKED WIVES is a story of everyday, responsible women whose lives are wrought with common frailties; women who seek pleasure, profit, expediency; women not unlike those who may live in your town or your neighborhood. Respectable citizens-yes, but not without the foibles and weaknesses seen every day in nearly every city.

DOG-LICKED WIVES provides a unique insight into those emotions with which we all must live, a look at America’s more perverse and sexually liberated citizens.


October 14, 2024


Cousins Horse Hunger – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Paul GableCousins Horse Hunger – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Paul Gable

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0017 BN Cousins Horse Hunger – Zoophilia Sex Novel By Paul Gable
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 219.61 KB

Description: Cousin’s Horse Hunger
by Paul Gable


As our modern society becomes increasingly urbanized and the overall family structure weaker, we are seeing more of the phenomenon known as amorality.

Newspapers today carry accounts of people who have never learned about good and bad, people who have never placed any value on human life, simply doing whatever a momentary whim dictated. The pervasive corruption in a high political office today offers yet another example.

The young girls in this story are girls of the present. Living lives of existential hedonists, they refuse to worry about tomorrow. Their main concern is for today, and the pleasures it brings. For them, sex is merely something to be enjoyed, carrying neither emotional ties nor moral overtones.

COUSIN’S HORSE HUNGER-the story of young women who embody the lifestyle of many in our society, a presentiment of what the future holds. Their story holds a lesson for us all.



Grandmas Horny Visit – Bestiality Sex Novel By Kathy HarrisGrandmas Horny Visit – Bestiality Sex Novel By Kathy Harris

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0042 BN Grandmas Horny Visit – Bestiality Sex Novel By Kathy Harris
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 224.09 KB

by Kathy Harris


Today’s middle class Americans maintain a stable outlook which in reality masks the turmoil existing behind drawn blinds.

There is alcoholism, promiscuous sex for the adult and teenager alike and, for some, the breakup of marital relationships as a result of mate-swapping. The children observe their parents’ so-called "mature" lifestyles. The mark is made, the effect lasts a lifetime.

This is the story of a family and its gradual progression toward debauchery where family relationships mean nothing and the satisfaction of the senses means everything. What happens to these parents and their children is a startling revelation of how events can alter personalities, how fate plays with all.

Business as usual is the daily norm. But is it? Not for the characters in this story-outwardly yes, but in reality no.

GRANDMA’S HORNY VISIT-A novel which reveals what is really happening behind the closed doors throughout America.



The Schoolgirls Play Horsey – ZooSex Novel By Bob WallaceThe Schoolgirls Play Horsey – ZooSex Novel By Bob Wallace

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0101 BN The Schoolgirls Play Horsey – ZooSex Novel By Bob Wallace
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 207.53 KB

Description: The Schoolgirls Play Horsey
by Bob Wallace


Curiosity-a phenomenon that encourages people to try the unknown. The illicit, the forbidden, seem more attractive and less wicked, somehow, when curiosity is the motivation. A faithfully married man may engage the services of a prostitute for the first time while out of town for a convention. A young boy will experiment with drugs for the first time when he goes away to college. And people who find themselves in a foreign country will try things that might have shocked or repelled them at home.

THE SCHOOLGIRLS PLAY HORSEY is the story of two young girls who lose all inhibitions when they find themselves introduced to animal sex for the first time. It is the story of two girls who break all society’s rules in a quest for sensual pleasure.

-The Publisher


Marci stared up at the ceiling. The room was dark and she was lonely. Almost everyone at Jensen’s Riding Academy had gone home for the week-end.

She slipped her hands under the covers. Cupping her small firm tits through her nightie, she moaned softly. Immediately, her nipples swelled and the spongy walls of her virgin pussy began to pulse.

She kneaded her tits and writhed. Warm juices from her cunt began to moisten the crotch of her panties. A soft sigh escaped her mouth and she bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning.

Pushing back the covers, she eased up her nightie and touched the hot sensitive flesh of her tits.

"Oh, God," she whimpered as her swollen nipples pressed into the palms of her hands. "I’m so hot."

She glanced over at the other beds and sighed with relief. For now, she was glad Tracy and Heather had gone home. Being alone, she could play with herself without worrying about being caught. She sat up and pulled her nightie off. Her plump creamy tits bounced and she sighed as she lay back on the bed.

Lifting her ass, she skimmed off her panties and bared her pussy. As she lay naked, her trembling hands caressed her hot silky flesh as she squirmed and whimpered.

"I want a cock," she sighed, getting turned on by her own voice. "I want a nice big fat cock."

She giggled self-consciously and tweaked her nipples as the juices from her pussy made the puffy folds of her virgin cunt gash glisten.

Fondling her tits with one hand, Marci skimmed her other hand down her hot smooth flesh to the blonde silky hair of her pussy.

"Ewwwww… I’m wet," she sighed as her fingers glided through her slippery cunt slit. "So wet and juicy."



My Cousin For A Horse – Animal Sex Novel By Paul GableMy Cousin For A Horse – Animal Sex Novel By Paul Gable

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0077 BN My Cousin For A Horse – Animal Sex Novel By Paul Gable
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 222.99 KB

Description: My Cousin for A Horse
by Paul Gable


A question often asked by those who deal with psychological problems is: What is normal? The answer to that seemingly simple question will probably never be answered.

It is normal for some primitive inhabitants of South America jungles to perform, before the entire village, what Americans would consider depraved sexual acts. Such behavior would probably result in arrests and convictions, if not a full-fledged riot, in the U.S.A.

The young cousins in this novel have already accepted and adjusted to their world of sexuality. Yet, they are given an insight into another side of sex-into the dark world where souls mix pleasure with pain, agony with ecstasy, delight with degradation.

MY COUSIN FOR A HORSE deals with a sexual dilemma that confronts all of us in one form or another. We cannot pass judgment on how individuals seek and find pleasure-we can only look at them with an open mind, seeing how some members of our society face the problem.


October 13, 2024


Mothers Eager Son – Animal Sex Novel By Roger GrayMothers Eager Son – Animal Sex Novel By Roger Gray

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0076 BN Mothers Eager Son – Animal Sex Novel By Roger Gray
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 247.65 KB

Description: Mother’s Eager Son
By Roger Gray


While it is important that there is sympathy, love and understanding between a mother and son, it is equally important that there is no sexual contact.

When such desires took place, it is essential that the parent curb them quickly. Otherwise, serious problems can develop, causing no end of frustration and concern.

The woman around whom our story revolves became obsessed with her husband engaging in oral copulation with her. When her husband belligerently refused, she was suddenly brought face to face with her own son, who was willing.

Instead of resisting the forbidden temptation of incestuous love, she succumbed, and in so doing betrayed the high moral values that motherhood should represent.

She became a sexual burden for her son-for he was forced to fill her sexual cravings at the cost of his own normal youthful sexual curiosity. With a mother so conveniently available, he failed to make the necessary sexual contacts with girls in high school, with whom he could have shared the natural social-sexual development required to achieve maturity.

But this didn’t bother his mother. For she was sexually obsessed and cared about one thing, and one thing only-her own carnal needs.

This tortured her when she’d allow a "flash" of truth to seep through to her consciousness. But, she’d quickly brush the conscience pangs aside, and go on her headstrong, lusty way, little caring how she was destroying her own son.

Finally, it reached the point where she was so difficult to deal with that he listened to his father-who argued he should have sex with a "woman of the world", who in reality was a cheap hustler he’d made it with quite a few times himself.

When his mother got wind of this strangely developing love tryst, she determined she’d stop at nothing to end it. And that was when tragedy struck in Jeff’s life, giving him an experience he could never forget as long as he lived.



Cousin Debbies Doggie Urges – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David CraneCousin Debbies Doggie Urges – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0013 BN Cousin Debbies Doggie Urges – Zoophilia Sex Novel By David Crane
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 225.63 KB

Description: Cousin Debbie’s Doggie Urges
By David Crane


The process of growing up, of passing through the age of adolescence has, through the ages, been marked by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family and peer group alike. Certainly, in our society today, the problems of youth appear to be more marked than ever before.

We hear constant reports of the pervasive use of drugs in our schools. Of shoplifting and other petty-and not so petty-crimes. Of promiscuity and dangerous VD epidemics. Debby is a teenager embarking on her own special journey into adolescence. She finds herself plagued by her powerful emotions, sometimes feeling guilty about her awakening sexuality, sometimes getting angry over imagined slights and youthful misjudgments.

COUSIN DEBBIE’S DOGGIE URGES- the story of one average young American girl’s coming of age. A lesson to us all. A reminder once again, that growing up is not easy.



Niece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank BordenNiece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank Borden

Animal Sex Novel Info:
File Name: 0079 BN Niece In The Kennels – Animal Sex Novel By Hank Borden
Format: jpg, txt
Size: 224.77 KB

Description: Niece In The Kennels
by Hank Borden


The onset of puberty invariably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective.

For some, the transition occurs with relative ease. For others the change is marked by tension and anxiety, and a growing awareness that their world is changing much faster than they would like.

For the young girl in this book the initiation into the world of sexuality is full of frustration and fear. Eager to explore the bounds of her femininity, she becomes a victim of her own desires and passions.

NIECE IN THE KENNELS-the story of a young girl’s struggle to make her own, very personal transition into adulthood. Her story is a reminder of the pitfalls standing in the way of those growing up. It is a lesson for society.
