Zoophilia Sex Story Info:
File Name: 0005 ZooStory Arent Webcams Wonderful – By Pegboy – Mmm, Oral Zoophilia, Anal Zoosex, Beastiality
Format: pdf
Size: 116.12 KB
Total pages: 17
Description: Trevor sends Vernon a few e-mails describing what he’s
seen on a website with two webcam feeds. (MMm, oral,
anal, beast)
Hi Vernon,
I’ve just finished watching a really interesting webcam
broadcast on the Internet. Two men (35-40) and a teenage
boy (16-18) were sitting watching television in what looked
like a US family room. The image on the television screen
could clearly be seen on the webcam. The teenager (let’s
call him Scott) and one of the men (let’s call him Earl)
were sitting, on a sofa, on the left hand side of the
webcam; and the second man (let’s call him John) was
sitting, on a chair, on the right hand side of the webcam.
On screen, a man (45-50) was talking to a boy (5-7) through
the gap in a garden fence: the man was standing in the
access way that ran behind a row of well-planted gardens.
The boy was only wearing a pair of white swimming trunks
and flip-flops, and was openly playing with his cock as he
spoke to the man.
The man, who had spotted the boy playing with himself as he
walked by, was clearly determined to keep the youngster
preoccupied with small talk. The boy, oblivious to the fact
that his innocent fiddling was turning the man on,
continued to play with his cock through the fabric of his
…Read the continuation of the animal sex story inside the file…
Tags: bestiality stories sex, zoosex story, animal fairytale, dog sex literature, horse porn story, animal sex story
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